Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Wings-are like an extra equipment for your character. They boosts your character stats such as physical/magic attack, physical/magic defense, HP, Healing, Luck & Movement. Unlike equipment there is only one of them and you can only upgrade them. Wings need either Heroic Wings or Ethereal Wings to be upgraded.

You can get Heroic Wings from Dungeons, World Bosses, Events & Cash shop. Ethereal Wings can only be gotten through Cash shop, Events or Red/Black Dragon Hunt. Both are tradable between players. World Bosses' HWs can be distorted (drop 0 HWs) easily due to high level member in the party.

The amount of Heroic Wings you can receive per Dungeon is based on dungeon difficulty and amount of bosses
A rule of thumb to Heroic Wings in Dungeons are:
Normal Dungeons:  0-1 per boss, (chances are pretty much lower as you level up and almost 0% once u start seeing blacken names on Bosses)
Hard Dungeons: 1- 2 per boss, (both Hard & Nightmare drops remain the same as you level up)
Nightmare Dungeons: 1-3 per boss

Some low level dungeons like Revenant's Vault normal do not drop HWs at all. At some point you will be able to solo all of these dungeons.
Revenant's Vault nightmare guarantees you at least a minimum of 3 HW per run (3 bosses) and max of 9 wings per run. In total you can get around 15-45 (5 dungeon runs per day) the average being around 25-30 HWs 
Blood Coliseum (hard)- There's no nightmare so 4 bosses(1-2HWs)* 5 runs= 20-40HWs
Sacrifical Relics-(nighmare) - 3 Bosses *(1-3HWs)* 5runs = 15-45 HWs or 25-30 average
Killer Den (nm)- same as SR
Psychodelica(nm)- Karleya is the only Boss that drops HWs, she can be found 3x per run, so it's the same as SR, 25-30 average HW drop.
Exelorn Hollows(nm)- 7 Bosses that drop HW even at norm. 7*(1-3)*5 runs= 35-105 HWs
VIP Dungeons- add +5 HW per dungeon run except for Exelorn which is +7HW

Getting your wings
You get your wings by doing the Main quests. When you hit level20, you will receive a quest called 'Monikov's Prediction' complete the quest and you will receive your Wings.

Lucky Stars
The reason why you need all these HWs is because it is not easy to upgrade them. Every time you make 'click' to upgrade there is a slight chance of it being a full upgrade, in reality it increase your chance to get an upgrade. The higher your Wing levels are the more Lucky Stars are need to reach Wing upgrade.

Upgrading Wings
1. Open up your Wing Interface Box by pressing 'j' keyboard.
2. Click on Forge button. Continue until you run out of wings or give up.

Wing Types
There are 7 types of wings in the game with 3-tiers in each wing type. The 1st tier is the Wing type (Ex. Glowing Wings), 2nd tier is Extreme version (Ex. Extreme Glowing Wings) and 3rd tier is Ultimate (Ultimate Glowing Wings).

The 7 main types are:
Glowing Wings which take 4 HWs to upgrade
Angel Wings which take 6 HWs to upgrade
Dual Angel Wings which take 10 HWs to upgrade
Fire Wings which take 12 HWs to upgrade
Demigod Wings which take 15 HWs to upgrade
Angel Lord Wings which take 13 Ethereal Wings to upgrade
Demonlord Wings which take 13 Ethereal Wings to upgrade

Top. Glowing Wings, Middle. Angel Wings, Bottom. Dual Angel Wings

 Top. Fire Wings, Bottom. Demigod Wings

Top. Angel Lord Wings,  Bottom. Demon Lord Wings

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