Monday, July 16, 2012

Guild Resource Battleground

Guild Resource Battleground 
The GRB is a event where you run around collecting various items to turn in to the Guild Master Officer (upon completion). This can be a solo event, a party or  guild event . This is probably one of the best events for getting points/honor/badges that Crystal Saga has to offer. This event can be done daily. (Should take about 10-15 mins if there aren't a lot of trouble makers around) 

  • You are in a guild. Server time is 9:00, 16:00 or 20:00. 
  • Player must be level 20+ 

Resource map.jpg
Harvest the following:
  • Winter Grass x20 (Replenishes the fastest, very abundant)
  • Tripoco Fruit Egg x16 (*2nd most painful to look for, 3rd longest in replenish time + amount needed makes it 2nd hardest to find)
  • Black Rice x6 (2nd longest to replenish, due to amount needed and abundance, can be easily obtained)
  • Purple Crystaloid x2 (*Can be the hardest to find as it takes a while to replenish, but also rotates around the map every time someone collects one)

  • People can kill you inside the battlegrounds. And you can lose durability on Equipments (so be careful) 
  • If you die, there's a chance you will drop your harvests. Also, you can lose harvest items in Sengolia Battleground and maybe Dragonspine.
  • You can go in and out the Guild Resource Battlegrounds. As long as you do no turn in the harvest quest. 
  • You can put your harvest items in the storage. TIP: You should store up an excess for 2-3 days worth of harvest items as a form of rainy day fund (ex. too tired, or epic fighting in GRB)
  • You can divide up your harvesting into groups like 1/4,1/2 and store them in vault in order to lessen your losses if you get into a fight in GRB.

Labor Rewards:
  • 12 Bronze Badges 
  • 250 Honor Points 
  • 10 Guild Contribution Points 
  • 10 Guild Progress Points 

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